Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Most of you probably wouldn't even bother to read this long post. But I just wanted to get it out of my system. Thanks to the people actually do read.

For those of you who don't know yet, I'm quite the fanboy for k-pop things.
And recently, a huge incident involving the k-pop industry has happened.

One of Korea's greatest boy band leaders has left.

On the official 2PM fancafe, leader Jaebeom announced that he will be officially quitting 2PM. JYPE has just confirmed this is true.

This decision was made after his recent Myspace controversy was blown out of proportion. Jaebeom will be leaving Korea today at 6:30pm KST.

Jaebeom posted:
"Hello, I'm 2PM's Jaebeom.

I'm sorry for giving you my last greeting through this letter.
I think it will be hard for me to see you all on stage because of my sorry heart.

I'm really sorry to everyone, and I'm even more sorry to the fans who have shown me love.
From today, I will leave 2PM.

2PM boys, I'm really sorry to the boys and I'm sorry I couldn't be strong as a leader and a hyung and have to leave like this.
However, I hope you will be more cool and charming.

Again, I'm sorry.


credits to allkpop for the article.

Yes it has been reported that 2PM’s leader Jaebeom has left the group and is reportedly getting on a plane to the U.S. tonight, but let’s all sit back for a moment and breathe. Hottest everywhere have contacted me expressing their sadness and I know this has disappointed and hurt many fans beyond belief. A lot of people are jumping to conclusions so before we all go haywire with the situation at hand, I think we should analyze this more thoroughly.

First off, let’s not attack Korea as a whole. Blaming an entire country for this unfortunate situation is just ridiculous so let’s have some control and really think about who is at fault here. Clearly, this situation has gotten completely out of hand and it’s truly sad to see that a group of coldhearted people have just represented their country in such a disgraceful way. We have to remember, that like every where else in the world, there’s always a handful that misrepresent an entire nation, so please everyone do not point the finger at Korea, but to those who have caused this awful mess.

Secondly, I know everyone is extremely saddened by what has happened but I think it’s best to place ourselves in Jay’s shoes. I’m aware there is currently a petition to bring him back but guys you have to realize where his mindset is in right now. Stating things like, “Don’t be a coward, don’t leave us, come back,” is just being the opposite of supportive. I’m sure Jay is feeling everything from contempt, regret, dejection, etc., so I think for now its best to be his pillar by by giving him that space he needs. Most of all he needs his family, friends, and time. I always say this, but time heals and as fans and as supporters, he should be allowed this. Many people have voiced their speculations to me, saying that this may be a publicity stunt to calm the fire, but honestly I really think this was ultimately Jaebeom’s decision. And I strongly doubt in this time and place, he’s emotionally ready for publicity ploys. I mean he must have been so affected to make such a bold decision to leave a group where he trained 5 hard ass years for. I think as people we all just need to take a step back and let the situation breathe.

This whole debacle has really become more than just a KPOP idol leaving a boyband. His departure is just another red flag raised against some peoples’ Korean deep seeded roots and mindsets. Patriotism is commendable but only to an extent and it seems some Koreans have pushed it way to far. No matter where you were born or raised, we must remember that we are all the same people, of the same culture, of the same country and should be united. But why aren’t we? How can this kind of hatred flow through the blood of the people who are mocking those with the same blood?
Hurtful netizens have driven people to take their lives and apparently have not learned that words are more powerful than weapons. As supporters and as human beings, I think it’s best to give Jay the space that he needs and we must represent the whole that is against the hatred. Let’s all be positive and strong with our words and through that, hopefully we can change the course of it all.

Again, our support goes out to JYPE, Jay, 2PM, and for anyone else suffering in the hands of hateful netizens.

Credits to seoulbeats for taking the EXACT words out from my mouth.

But some people must be saying," So what? I'm not interested in Korean stuff"

Truth is, I tried to refrain from typing about this matter because I might hurt the feelings of some people whom I know and have come to discussed this topic very much with. However, I shall be frank and post my opinion on this matter anyways.

Firstly, some people have been complaining "Burn netizens !" "They're the cause of this" "It would be better of netizens didn't exist". The ones whom are bashing him are almost all Anti's, indeed they are categorized as netizens but so are we. Anyone associated or involved in a cyber community is basically a netizen. Do facebook? Netizen. Twitter? Netizen. Forums? Netizen. Yet some people curse and damn the netizens as a whole saying that they are the source of Jay Park's problem. Not all korean netizens have gone on and said he was wrong, heck not even all of them were korean netizens, it was only that fraction of people who are too proud of their country to see what a great leader he is and what potential/qualities he possesses. Also, some people blame the big man JYP for this. It wasn't JYP's decision, it was his and only his. He took responsibility as the leader even when he didn't do wrong. THAT is the kind of person Leader Jay Park is. The people saying that JYP FORCED him to leave were only rumors and nothing has been confirmed.

Next, a whole bunch of people have resulted to this after this incident ended.

"i cannot handle this. i feel SO SO bad for jaebum like im gonna go nuts. i bet hes thinking so much stuff in his head like whytf did i jsut waste 4 yrs of my life..wtf just happened.shieet.NO JAEBUM NO 2PM. NO MORE KPOP FOR ME I'M DONE."

"I really don't know what to do anymore..I feel lost"


Is this a joke? Giving up on an interest you love so much because of this? It's a huge incident, a MAJOR incident, yes, but no other artists have anything to do with it. People are saying that they're too traumatized and that they're quitting it forever due to shock/dissapointment/anger and etc. It's ridiculous. I'm just being honest when I say that this is ridiculous and I ask you, why ? If you're a fan of k-pop or korea then you wouldn't give up that fanaticism just because of some idiots who only post to waste your time. Love is stronger than hate. We shouldn't be running from the k-pop world at this moment, we should support him as we stick to doing what we love most. Stopping all activities completely is too much if you ask me. Don't do it on a full-scale. Fine, if it's a temporary break, I can tolerate that, maybe you really really loved them to the extent that you'd die knowing they wouldn't be the same anymore, okay, sure, take a breather, wipe those tears, go home and sleep it off or something. But seriously, I just don't understand.

Before this, the antis told Jay to leave the country. That he doesn't belong there. Some of you are saying that Jay shouldn't leave to America, because that's what the antis want. Jay needs his family over anything else.

I think that about sums it up. I'll leave you with Jay's last interview.

news article:

This is just a rough translation of the article

인천공항 출국장 안 24번 게이트. 미국 시애틀행 비행기에 몸을 싣기전 만난 '2PM'의 재범은 고개를 숙인채 죄송하다는 말만 반복했다. 미국에서의 계획을 묻자 '음악공부'에 대한 이야기를 꺼냈다. 비록 2PM은 탈퇴했지만 음악에 대한 열정은 포기할 수 없다는 의지가 엿보였다.

Inchon Airport, inside Gate 24. 2PM's Jaebum continued to repeat his apologies with his head held low before boarding his plane to Seattle. When the interviewer asked Jay about his plans in America, he talked about 'studying music.' Although he dropped out of the group, his passion for music and determination not to give up showed.

스포츠서울닷컴은 8일 오후 6시 10분, 인천공항 출국장 안에서 시애틀로 떠나는 재범과 한국에서의 마지막 대화를 나눴다. 굳게 다물었던 입에서 나온 첫 마디는 '죄송하다, 미안하다'는 사과의 말이었다.

재범은 "무슨 할 말이 있겠느냐"면서 "그동안 사랑해준 팬들과 믿고 따라준 멤버들에게 미안할 뿐"이라고 짧게 답했다. 이어 "이런 식으로 떠날 수 밖에 없어 죄송하다"며 "리더로서 책임을 다하지 못하고 팀에 짐만 될 뿐이어서 탈퇴를 결심했다"고 덧붙였다.

재범은 이야기를 하는 내내 굳은 표정을 지었다. 수척해진 그의 얼굴에서 그동안의 마음 고생을 엿볼 수 있었다. 목소리 역시 많이 가라 앉았다. '죄송하다'며 고개를 숙여 대신 사과하는 그에게 다른 질문을 던졌다.

Sports Seoul dot com was able to talk to Jaebum on the 8th 6:10 PM inside the Incheon Airport Departure Lounge. The first things out of his mouth was 'I apologize..I'm sorry'

He said "What more can I say? I am just so sorry to the loving fans and the members who had trusted me and followed me." He added, "I am sorry that I had to leave this way, I did not fulfill my responsibilities as a leader and was just a burden, so I decided on leaving the group."

They could tell he was very tired and had gone through a lot in just a few days. His voice was very low/weak. They asked another question to Jaebum who continued to apologize with his head hanging low.

미국에서의 계획을 묻자 재범은 음악에 대한 이야기를 했다. 그는 "미국에 가서 음악 공부를 더 할 예정이다"면서 "반성의 시간을 가질 것이다. 인간적으로, 음악적으로 더 성숙한 모습을 보여주고 싶다"고 각오를 전했다.

복귀에 대한 질문에는 대답을 피했다. 아직 컴백을 논하기엔 이르다는 표정이었다. 대신 그는 "공항까지 배웅나온 팬들에게 고맙다"면서 "미국에서 건강하게 잘 지내겠다. 꼭 좋은 모습으로 다시 돌아오겠다"고 마지막 작별인사를 했다.

When they asked him about his plans in America, he talked about music. He said, "I am planning to study music in America" and "have a time of reflection. I want to show a more mature side both personally and musically."

He also avoided answering questions regarding his plan to return to Korea. His expression showed that it was too early to be discussing about comeback plans. Instead, he expressed, "I want to thank the fans who had come out to the airport," and "I will stay healthy in America. I will come back as a better person."

credits to saradah for translation

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