Friday, August 14, 2009


Imperfection, a limitation, a problem.

All these are definition to what we call character flaw. Something that we all have, but prefer not to admit. It could be a fear for something, a habit or anything that basically makes you a "defect". However, being a defect only makes you human. Nothing is perfect, right?

Well, you must all be wondering what I'm trying to convey here by talking about the imperfection of humans. Basically, I've been rather bothered about this issue since long before and I decided to post about it. It'd be like a reminder for me so I can remember to work on it until it can be cured. Perhaps not completely, but hopefully as much as possible.

Anyways, the flaw that I'm going to talk about here is my own. My Hot-Tempered personality. Yes, some of you probably already know that I have a quick and perhaps.. violent temper. Ah indeed, I remember that when I was younger and "naughtier", I used to get irritated, annoyed, provoked and angered much too easily. And when the line is crossed, I'd start shouting or scolding. There were even some times when I fought with the guys and we really went at each other. I can remember the times when I "won" the fights even though they never were quite finished because the classmates or teacher would always intervene.

There was once that I hit a guy on his back so hard that he started crying immediately. We were arguing a lot during those times. Ironically, he was sort of like a best friend to me and we remained that way until I changed classes. Speaking of changing classes, that almost always seems to be the case of losing friends now doesn't it? It's either that or something else changed. Hmm. Anyways, back on topic. The guy is actually in DJ now though no names will be mentioned. Also, those times were when I was MUCH skinnier and more agile so I doubt I could win any fight if I were to somehow get into one now.

For the girls, I think I only got into arguements mostly. We'd send notes on papers scolding each other or just argue straight out. I think there were some times when I sweared a lot at them (I used to be quite foul-mouthed). I don't fight with girls though, that would be horrible. OH ! Haha, except Cassandra (Tam). I remember I got pissed off at her once and hit her on the back with almost everything I had. But she just stood there and hit me back on the shoulder. I immediately sat down and just held my arm and tried not to cry. She told me "Wah, not bad Adrian" as she stretched her arm after hitting me. I took it as a compliment. Another ironic case because we sat together in class a year after that and we were best friends. Yeah.. we were. Those were the 'good times'.I think my hot-tempered nature has gone down a lot since then.

I hate it. It's the part I hate the most about me. No matter how seldom it occurs, it still comes out at the worst times. It's become the cause of arguements between me and my parents, sisters, friends, relatives. I've lost relationships with precious people because of this. I'll never stop until I can completely surpress it, even if it seems impossible. Because I have to, I want to.

So, uh, that's about it. I probably scared some of you with that so I apologize for that. Anyways, if you have a flaw that you admit and want to talk about, just post it in your blog =). You'll feel better, trust me.


On another note, the 300 hit mark has been achieved..YAAYYY !! So, you must be expecting something from me right? RIGHT?

Yeah, uh-huh, NO.
That's right, no video for you ! NYAHAHAHAHA. I can imagine all of your expressions going...

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